Bemused Of Ewell

Random burblings about Ewell Village and the surrounding area.


Saturday, 27 September 2008

Forthcoming Events at Bourne Hall

Bourne Hall is playing host to a varied set of events in the next few weeks...

First, on Saturday 4th October, is "YLD 08": Youth Leisure Day. There's some more detail about it here on the Council's web site; it sounds like there will be a lot going on. It's aimed at young people aged from 13 to 17.

On the following Saturday, the Bourne Hall Museum Club is hosting a session called "Discover Archaeology On Your Doorstep" (again aimed at the younger generation). Abby Guinness from Surrey's Community Archaeologists Department will be talking about her work and showing off some finds and objects (probably including some from the Hatch Furlong excavation). The event runs from 1pm to 2.30pm and costs £3 per person -- you can pre-book by calling David Brooks at Bourne Hall Museum on 020 8394 1734.

Lastly, on Wednesday 15th October, the Ewell Village Residents' Association is holding their Autumn Meeting at 8pm. The topic of the meeting is "What Do You Know About Nescot?" and that will be followed by a more general discussion with county and local councillors, and representatives of the local police.

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Saturday, 23 February 2008

Coming Up: Meet The Romans!

This year's Herald Of Spring event at Bourne Hall is a Roman-themed event, promising hands-on archaeology, Roman cookery, gladiator fights and spectacular floral displays, among other attractions.

(You didn't know that the Romans were famed for their spectacular floral displays? No, me neither.)

While Bourne Hall's building is more or less modern, Ewell does have a fair bit of Roman history to find out about -- Birkbeck College of the University of London have done excavations here over the last couple of years. There should be plenty to see.

The exhibition is open on Saturday 8th March 2008 from 1000 - 1800 and on Sunday 9th March 2008 from 1100 - 1700, with a preview for disabled visitors on the Sunday from 1000. Admission is £2 for adults; children and OAPs get in free. There's also a free park-and-ride scheme running from Nescot.

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Friday, 22 February 2008

Coming Up: Antiques Valuation Day

The Rotary Club of Ewell have organised an Antiques Valuation Day on Monday 3rd March 2008 at Bourne Hall, running from 0930 - 1700. Entrance is £2 plus £3 per item valued -- so if you've always wondered whether Aunty Gladys's hideous old jug is worth anything, or whether the picture of a crying child which has graced your wall for the last twenty years is really an undiscovered Old Master, now's your chance to find out...

How to find Bourne Hall (if you hadn't already spotted the UFO which landed in the middle of Ewell in the 70s)

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